Agartala: Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Monday said that his government has demolished around 900 opposition party offices constructed on "illegally" occupied government lands in the past few years.
While addressing an orientation programme for the newly elected members of Urban Local Bodies at Rabindra Shatabarshiki Bhawan on Tuesday, Deb hailed the BJP’s landslide victory in Uttar Pradesh and appreciated the Yogi Adityanath government for “eradicated mafia raj from UP”. In Tripura, Deb said his government has “zero tolerance to illegal activities,” while referring to the demolitions. The CM accused the CPIM that has ruled the state for 25 years for the illegal constructions.
“As many as 900 party offices were constructed illegally on government land and have been bulldozed since 2018. They (CPIM) constructed their party offices illegally occupying the government land. If they encroach upon government land to build party offices at district and sub-divisional levels, what is their mindset? They are anti-people," Deb said.
He also accused the then left front government of “forcefully grabbing the public land for the construction of party offices". Deb said that “not a single BJP party office is constructed on illegally occupied land”. “Now we are in power. But we have not forcibly acquired any government land to set up our party offices. We have built our party offices after purchasing land and we have documents as well," Deb said.
Also read: Amit Shah wanted BJP to win even in Nepal, Sri Lanka: Tripura CM