Patna: Senior Congress leader Harish Rawat referred to Aam Admi Party's victory in Delhi MCD polls as a "vote for change". Rawat who had visited Bihar's Sitamarhi to attend a college program in remembrance of senior leader Ramdulari Sinha told ETV Bharat "People in Delhi voted for change, BJP was holding MCD for the last 15 years which came to an end."
Rawat also hoped for a better performance by Congress in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. When asked about the appointment of Akhilesh Prasad Singh as the new state Congress President in Bihar. Rawat congratulated him and said, "Madan Mohan Jha had also done a great job, Akhilesh Singh will take it forward. He is a good organizer and I have confidence that from here Bihar Congress will work with a new zeal."