Amaravati: Former Andhra Pradesh Minister Narayana, founder of Narayana Educational Institutions, has been granted bail by Chittoor Magistrate Sulochanarani on Wednesday. AP Police had arrested the former MAUD minister and Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leader P Narayana from Hyderabad on Tuesday, in connection with the leak of class 10 question papers.
The arrest had been made in the wake of an FIR filed against the minister for an alleged paper leak case at the Narayana School in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Later, Narayana was produced before the magistrate. The judge dismissed the police charge after Narayana's lawyers have shown evidence that he resigned as chairman of Narayana Educational Institutions in 2014. The judge having agreed with those arguments granted bail to the former AP Minister, subject to payment of Rs 1 lakh, supported by two sureties.
Read: Former Andhra minister P Narayana arrested in paper leak case