Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh BJP President Somu Veerraju courted controversy on Wednesday as he pushed a police officer and used harsh language on him upon being prevented by police from visiting Amalapuram which was recently hit by violence over the renaming of a district. The video of the BJP leader abusing the police officer has gone viral on social media. Currently, prohibitory orders are in place in Amalapuram.
The video showed Veerraju pushing the police officer and raising his voice while pointing a finger at him."Who are you to stop me? I will talk to the SP," Veerraju was heard saying in the video. The incident took place in the Rajamahendravaram town of the State.
Also read: AP: Amalapuram on fire, protesters set ablaze Minister's house, pelt stones at police
Initially, the BJP leader repeatedly pleaded with the police to allow him to visit Amalapuram town as he has to meet some people there. He also said that he had no intention of causing a law and order situation there. The BJP leader lost his temper when despite his repeated requests police parked a large truck in front of his vehicle to prevent him from heading to Amalapuram. However, despite the harsh behaviour of the State BJP chief, the police official kept pleading with him not to visit Amalapuram adding that he was only following the orders of his superiors.
The Superintendent of Police of Konaseema said that the incident came to his notice and the police are in the process of getting details. Speaking to reporters later the State BJP chief said that his party will not back down in face of such intimidatory tactics resorted to by the State Government.
Violence erupted in Amalapuram on May 24 over the renaming of the newly formed Konaseema district as B R Ambedkar Konaseema district. While many police personnel were injured as a mob went on a rampage, the house of a State Minister were also set ablaze. (with Agency inputs)