Eluru: A 9-year-old boy, who accidentally fell into a deep well, was rescued after a five-hour rescue operation in the Eluru district of Andhra Pradesh. It is learnt that 9-year-old Jaswant of Gundugolanakunta in Dwarka Tirumala mandal of Eluru district was playing near his house on Wednesday evening when he slipped into an old well 400-ft-deep. His parents were away at the time of the mishap.
Fortunately, Jaswant got stuck on a rock at a depth of 30 feet. The relatives started searching for the boy, but heard him screaming from the well at around 9 pm. Locals who reached the borewell in large numbers tried to save the boy with the help of ropes. As there was no other option, local youth Suresh tied a rope around his waist and descended into the well and retrieved the boy.
Officials said that the boy Jaswant is alright. The bore well that caused the accident was also filled to prevent such incidents in future.
Also read: Operation Rahul: Child rescued 'alive and safe' from borewell after 104 hours