Lucknow: Ahead of the Uttar Pradesh polls beginning on February 10, Apna Dal (S) president Anupriya Patel has decided not to field any candidates from the Pratapgarh Sadar seat against her mother Krishna Patel, who will be representing the SP-led alliance.
Pratapgarh has traditionally been a constituency dominated by Apna Dal. Krishna Patel, for the upcoming elections, has been fielded as the joint candidate representing the Samajwadi Party-led alliance. Speaking to ETV Bharat, Rajesh Patel, spokesperson of Apna Dal (S), said that their candidate from the Pratapgarh seat is Raj Kumar Pal, who was selected to contest this time around as well.
Patel, however, added that he was waiting for the decision of Krishna Patel. "If she is going to contest here, we are not going to field our candidate", he said. Apna Dal (S) is part of the BJP-led NDA (National Democratic Alliance) in the Uttar Pradesh elections.
Read: Exclusive interview: Union Minister Apna Dal (S) chief Anupriya Patel's take on UP Assembly polls