Mumbai: A special court in Mumbai on Tuesday directed the hospital where dismissed policeman Sachin Waze is admitted post his open heart surgery to not discharge him until his application on house custody is decided.
After the hospital informed court that Waze, an accused in the Antilia bomb scare and Mansukh Hiran murder case, can be discharged on September 28, he had moved an application through his lawyer Raunak Naik on Tuesday seeking that he not be discharged till his application on house custody, filed last week, is decided.
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Waze has asked court to allow him house custody for recovery post his heart surgery, but the National Investigation Agency has opposed it claiming he may abscond.
On Tuesday, Special Judge AT Wankhede directed the hospital to withhold Waze's discharge till Wednesday, when his application will be heard further.
Waze and nine others were arrested after an explosives-laden vehicle was found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani's south Mumbai home on February 25, and a Thane-based businessman, Mansukh Hiran, who had claimed the vehicle was stolen from him, was found dead on March 5.