Lucknow: The Samajwadi Party will formally launch its election campaign for the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections when its president Akhilesh Yadav embarks on his 'Samajwadi Vijay Yatra' on Tuesday. Akhilesh will start the first phase of his yatra from Kanpur to Hamirpur. Throughout his yatra, Akhilesh will focus on farmers, youth and their problems. The first leg of the yatra will end on October 13 in Hamirpur.
"After starting from the Ganga bridge, the yatra will take the Naubasta route to reach Neyveli Lignite Power station in Ghatampur and then head for Hamirpur by Tuesday evening. The next morning, the yatra will start at 9.30 a.m. from Hamirpur to reach Kalpi in Jalaun and end at Mati in Kanpur Dehat," said party spokesman, Rajendra Chaudhary.
On Monday, Akhilesh sought blessings from his father Mulayam Singh Yadav in Delhi. Akhilesh took to Twitter to describe his Samajwadi Vijay Yatra as the beginning of the party's resolve to ensure "'22 mein bicycle" -- the bicycle is the SP election symbol. The party is focussing on the catch lines like "Badon ka haath, yuva ka saath" and 'Nayi hawa hai, Nayi SaPa hai."
The customised bus which is the 'Rath yatra' has a huge photograph of Akhilesh on one side while that of Mulayam Singh Yadav and Azam Khan, on the other. Incidentally, the 'five-star' Rath has already drawn severe criticism from the ruling BJP.
Party sources said Akhilesh would continue with the Vijay Yatra on his "Samajwadi Rath" in phases, covering the entire state. In between the yatra phases, he will remain in Lucknow to finalise modalities for the elections.
Rath yatras have been an important part of the party's campaign since 2001. Akhilesh led the yatra in 2012 and the party was voted to power. Akhilesh was sworn in as the chief minister. "This yatra, which is beginning in 2021, will end with SP coming to power in 2022," Chaudhary said confidently.
The SP leaders have planned a grand welcome for the party president at around a dozen locations along the route in Kanpur City, Kanpur Dehat, Hamirpur and Jalaun.