Lucknow: Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday asked the Uttar Pradesh government to convene a special session of the state assembly to discuss reservation for OBCs in urban local body polls. The former Uttar Pradesh chief minister also dubbed the BJP as "anti-OBC" and "anti-Dalit".
"If the government's conscience is clear, it should convene a special session of assembly so that they can put forth their point and give us a chance to put our view on OBC reservation in urban local body polls," he told reporters. He said, if needed, the party's OBC wing will approach the Supreme Court to protect the interest of the Other Backward Classes.
The Uttar Pradesh government on Wednesday appointed a five-member commission on reservation of OBCs in urban local body elections. The panel's constitution came after the Allahabad High Court quashed the state government's draft notification on urban local body elections and ordered it to hold the polls without reservation for OBCs. (PTI)