Lucknow: Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav while talking to reporters at Agra, said, employment for farmers and youths has come to a standstill in the double engine government in Uttar Pradesh. On UP CM Yogi Adityanath's statement to bring 'down heat (temperature)', Akhilesh said, "Agra is a peace-loving city and rejects those who spread hatred. This election is for saving the democracy and our alliance has multi shades of color. They (saffron party) are hell bent on destroying Baba Saheb's Constitution."
Akhilesh further said the Chief Minister was saying that 'Garmi Nikal Dengey' (bring down the temperature). What does he mean by this? Are people compressors? That he will bring down temperature. The Chief Minister was using unparliamentary language, he added.
While taking a jibe at the rising prices of commodities, Akhilesh, said, due to the wrong policies of the government, people are facing hardships. Prices of commodities have been increased.
Jayant Choudhary also replying to CM's remarks, said, "His statement was an insult for people belonging to Western Uttar Pradesh. We are fighting for protecting our democratic values. Unparliamentary words by CM won't help Agra."