Chennai: The cell phone service of J Yesudayan, a resident of West Tambaram, Chennai, who had been using an Airtel postpaid cell phone number, was cancelled in 2012. Yesudayan has complained about the cancellation of the service without his request. Airtel then advised to get a new SIM card. At the time, the number was disabled and Rs 4.89 lakh had been transferred from his account at ICICI Bank, Chennai Teynampet, to four accounts unrelated to him.
After lodging a complaint with the ICICI Bank and the police regarding the money transfer, he filed a case against ICICI and Airtel in the Chennai Consumer Grievance Commission for the lack of service. Based on his complaint, ICICI and Airtel were ordered to pay the petitioner Rs 4.89 lakhs with 9 per cent interest, Rs 2 lakh compensation for the distress and Rs 10,000 as legal costs within three months.
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