Godda (Jharkhand): The judge, who hit the headlines in the past by sentencing former Bihar CM in a fodder scam, has caught the attention of everyone by tying the knot at the age of retirement. Shivpal Singh is currently serving as the ADJ, Godda, and is about to retire in a year. He entered into wedlock with 50-year-old BJP leader and advocate Nutan Tiwari in a private ceremony with the mutual consent of both families.
Shivpal Singh is serving as the ADJ -1 in Godda Court for the last three years while Nutan is practising there as an advocate. She has earlier been the vice-president of Godda Municipal Council and she has also served in various capacities in the BJP's State Committee of Jharkhand. Earlier, Nutan was married and has a child, but her husband passed away a couple of years ago.
On the other hand, Shripal Singh, who originally hails from UP's Jalore district, also has a son and a daughter, but his wife passed away in 2006. Being in the same profession, they came close to each other and later decided to marry. The marriage took place in Dumka's Basukinath Dham and was registered at the Dumka Court. The couple is planning to render social service after the retirement of Shivpal Singh.