Srinagar: Additional Director General of Police Kashmir Zone, Vijay Kumar on Friday said that as Jammu & Kashmir marks the 3rd anniversary of the abrogation of Article 370, an atmosphere which has been created in the last three years, the credit goes to the public. Vijay Kumar was interacting with the media at Srinagar's Lal Chowk while he was out to review the situation.
"The best thing in the last three years is no civilian has been killed during the security force firing. Earlier, the markets and shops used to get shut down, and people and students used to suffer in the "band"(strike) called by the separatist leaders. A procession used to be taken out during funerals of militants and their glorification was also stopped. In recent times no incident of stone pelting has been reported at the encounter site," added the ADGP
Also read: Encounter breaks out in J-K's Kulgam
Talking about yesterday's grenade attack in Pulwama, he said, "two Lashkar-e-Taiba militants were involved in yesterday's grenade attack. Both have been identified and soon they will be nabbed or will be neutralized in an encounter."