Agartala: At least 10,323 retrenched teachers on Wednesday resumed their movement for job and livelihood through a mass rally in Agartala city after the Joint Movement Committee of 10,323, an amalgamation of three protesting organizations got a positive nod from the High Court of Tripura.
At a time, when the Education Minister of the state repeatedly claimed that more than eight thousand teachers have already applied for the Group C and Group D posts created, according to him, for re-employment of 10,323 teachers. On March 31, 2020, the teachers completed their extended ad-hoc service of two years that too as per the directions of the Supreme Court of India and ever since their jobs were gone, they had been seen spearheading protests to have their jobs back.
The police hereafter rejected their application seeking approval for holding protests citing the law and order situation. Later, the teachers moved to the High Court and as per the directions of the High Court, the teachers claimed to have resumed the protests.
Speaking on the occasion, JMC leader Daliya Das said, "One year has passed. We are still left in the lurch. The death toll of the teachers who have succumbed to the tremendous mental trauma reached 90. As many as 70 per cent of our teachers are receiving calls from banks for the pending instalments. Our trusted people who became grantors for our loans were facing the brunt as their accounts were being seized for our loans".
Echoing the same, Bijay Krishna Saha, another leader of the JMC said, "the government has betrayed us. They are doing the stark opposite that they have promised. Until and unless our jobs are given, this movement will go on".