Davanagere (Karnataka): A biker who has allegedly violated traffic rules 26 times have been imposed with a fine of Rs 16,000 in Davanagere. The biker has been identified as as Viresh is a resident of Davangere city. The incident took place on Monday.
Police sources said that among the 26 cases, 23 were for riding without a helmet and three was about using a mobile phone while riding a bike. A case has been registered in this regard at North traffic Police Station. When the police of Davangere traffic station suddenly found Viresh's bike, a fine of Rs16,000 was imposed on him.
Violation of traffic rules are recorded on the CCTV cameras in the respective circle. It was known that Viresh, who was traveling on this route, had violated traffic rules many times. So, the concerned authorities had sent several notices to him to pay fine. But Viresh did not respond.