Ranchi: Seven children died by drowning in Jharkhand in four separate incidents on Sunday. According to police, the incidents took place in Palamu, Hazaribagh, Koderma and Chatra.
Three children died in Palamu due to drowning in a graphite mine in the Satbarwa police station area on Sunday evening. Police said that some children from the area went to play at the mine. One of the children went to take bath in the water of the mine and suddenly started to drown. When his two playmates saw this they tried to rescue him but also got trapped in the water which led to their death. All the bodies have been recovered and sent for post-mortem, police said.
" Three children died due to drowning in a mine in Palamu. FIR has been lodged and the bodies have been sent for post-mortem to the MMCH," said Satbarwa police station in-charge Rishikesh Rai.
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As for Hazaribagh, police sources said that three children died due to drowning in the Rehda Dam of Meru under Mufassil police station area. The accident took place at around 4 pm on Sunday, police said adding police and BSF personnel along with locals recovered the bodies.
Another such death took place in Koderma district where one child died while playing with friends near a pond. As for the incident in Chatra while one child died by drowning while bathing in the Satbahani river and one went missing.