Ahmednagar: A 55-year-old self-styled Hindu priest was beaten to death for allegedly sodomising a minor boy in a suburb area of Ahmednagar in Maharashtra on Monday night. Police detained four accused in the murder. The deceased has been identified as Rajesh Kashinath Sonar alias Sonar Baba (55). According to sources, the mother of the four-year-old boy was cooking when the boy went to the shop downstairs.
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When he did not return for 10 to 15 minutes, the woman went to find him. She was told by her neighbour woman that her son was taken away by the accused. When the woman went to the man's house, she saw the man sodomising her minor son. As the woman raised a hue and cry, the locals gathered there and beat the accused, who later died while undergoing treatment at the district hospital. A case has been registered against the deceased based on the woman's complaint. It is learnt that four accused were held on the basis of a video clip, which surfaced on Wednesday.