Kanpur: The Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh has prematurely relieved a 50-year-old police officer from service for "indecent remarks" against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and CM Adityanath. The police department has also invoked charges of misconduct against the cop.
Inspector Nagendra Singh Yadav, who was posted in the Kotwali police station in UP's Kanpur has found himself in a problem after he has been constantly criticising CM Adityanath and PM Modi on social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter. ETV Bharat could not immediately verify Yadav's posts in question.
As informed by his fellow officials, Yadav was constantly making indecent remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Additional Police Commissioner Anand Kulkarni said that there were 'complaints of misconduct, misbehaving with officers against, drinking while on duty, taking part in programs of political parties and absence from duty without notice' against Yadav, after which he has been prematurely retired on the recommendations of a committee.
“On the basis of the evidence, the members of the committee accepted that he is no longer fit for further service,” Kulkarni said.