New Delhi: Five personnel of the Border Security Force (BSF) were killed and one critically injured on Sunday in a fratricidal incident committed by Constable Satteppa SK at HQ 144 Bn Khasa in Amritsar, Punjab. Later, the accused constable himself succumbed to injuries, the BSF said in a statement. A court of inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the facts, it said.
The camp where the incident took place is located 20 km from the Attari-Wagah border. Before shooting himself near a hospital building in the camp, he opened heavy fire over BSF vehicles in which an officer narrowly escaped the bullets. However, there is no official statement regarding the reason behind the fratricide.
"In an unfortunate incident, five BSF troops were injured on March 6 due to fratricide committed by Ct Satteppa S K at HQ 144 Bn Khasa, Amritsar. Ct Satteppa S K was also injured in the incident. Out of the six injured, five troops, including Ct Satteppa, have lost their lives. One of the injured is critical. A court of inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the facts," the BSF statement read.
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