Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Thursday announced that 2,500 posts in the police department will be filled up soon. In a statement here, the chief minister said exams will be conducted later this month to fill up these posts.
As part of the ongoing process of providing employment to the youth of Punjab, the Aam Aadmi Party government will recruit 2,500 more people in the Punjab Police to augment its workforce for effectively maintaining law and order besides tackling unforeseen challenges, Mann said.
These include 1,156 posts of constable (in intelligence and investigation cadre), 787 of head constable (in investigation cadre) and 560 of sub-inspector (in investigation, intelligence, district and armed police cadre), he added. The exam for the recruitment of constables and head constables will be held on October 14 and 15, and that for the recruitment of sub-inspectors will be held on October 16.
Mann said the Punjab government has already handed over appointment letters to 4,374 constables in the force. He said the entire recruitment process will be conducted in a transparent manner. (PTI)