Jaipur: The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence seized 218 kg of ganja from a truck in Maharashtra's Nagpur on a tip-off provided by the Rajasthan Police, an official said here on Thursday. The seized narcotics valued about Rs 40 lakh in the market, he said. The consignment was being taken to Rajasthan from Visakhapatnam, Additional Director General of Police (Crime) Ravi Prakash Mehra said.
He said they received intelligence inputs about the smuggling of ganja from Visakhapatnam to Ajmer district of Rajasthan on August 8. Two youths were sent by smuggler Shivraj Mahavar of Nagaur district in Rajasthan to Visakhapatnam to take the delivery of the consignment. Both youths were returning via Nagpur's Kardha area when the consignment was seized.
Earlier, a police team reached the Pushkar area of ??Ajmer and apprehended one of Shivraj's accomplices there and enquired about it. He told them about the arrival of the consignment. The DRI was informed about the consignment, which was traced near the Kardha toll booth. On search, a secret place was found in the truck, in which 218 kg of ganja was kept.
The officer said the truck has been seized and a case registered against Shivraj Mahawar by the DRI. The driver and the helper of the truck fled as soon as they came to know about the police action. (PTI)