Pune (Maharashtra): Pune Police on Sunday night raided and apprehended two bookies for IPL betting and seized a sum of Rs93.16 lakhs from them. It was based on specific inputs that the police conducted the operation at two places simultaneously. According to police, some others, including two international cricket bookies, were also arrested in the operation.
The duo has been identified as Ganesh Bhutada and Ashok Jain, who are the most notorious cricket bookies in the nation. Police have also seized diaries, mobiles and some other documents from them. The police have received information about the betting transaction.
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Ganesh Bhutada was arrested in a raid at Mangalwar Pethe within the limits of Samarth Police Station and cash worth Rs92.65 lakh has been seized from him, while bookie Ashok Jain was arrested from Market Yard and Rs51,000 in cash was seized from him.
A case has been registered in this regard at Samarth and Market Yard police stations on Sunday night. Police had received information in prior about a huge number of bets being made in the wake of two big IPL matches on Sunday.
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