Mumbra (Maharashtra): A 17-year-old minor boy was found tied to a concrete mixer machine at a construction site at Mumbra in Thane district of Maharashtra. It is also alleged that he was beaten up mercilessly by the employees of the construction company. The minor boy was subjected to torture for the suspected theft charges.
Although, the incident was of May 31, the case was registered against the assailants on June 4, at Mumbra police station. After receiving the information about the incident, Mumbra police raided and rescued the boy. He was rushed to a hospital for treatment.
The case was registered against five to six accused at Mumbra police station under Sections 307, 331, 342, 141, 149, 504, 506 of the IPC, police said. Two of them were arrested and produced before a local court. The court remanded them to police custody till June 10.