New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday, January 1, released via video conferencing the 10th instalment of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Yojana, worth over Rs 20,000 crore, aimed at improving conditions of more than 10 crore farmer-beneficiaries and their families.
The scheme will see Rs 6,000 per annum being provided to each eligible farmer family in three installments.
During the programme, the Prime Minister also released equity grant of more than Rs. 14 crore to about 351 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), which will benefit more than 1.24 lakh farmers.
Modi interacted with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), releasing over Rs 14 crore equity grants for a total of 351 such organizations.
Before his speech, he also interacted with FPO representatives from Punjab, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.
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Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah, meanwhile, expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister for transferring Rs. 20,000 crore in the accounts of 10 crore farmers under PM Kisan Yojana on the very first day of 2022.
"Without empowerment of farmers overall development of the country is not possible and the country has seen farmer-friendly Modi government, making continuous efforts to make farmers self-reliant, since last seven years PM Kisan Yojana has done very good work to keep farmers debt-free by giving them financial support at the most critical time of farming", Shah said.
Union Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar and Chief Ministers, LGs, Agriculture Ministers and farmers from several states were linked to the event.
Talking about the milestones that were achieved in the agriculture sector in the recent years, Modi highlighted how sectors like food grain production which touched 300 million tonnes and Horticulture and floriculture production which reached 330 million tonnes manifested huge growth in the industry.
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"Devoting to the nation with the spirit of 'Nation First' is becoming the sentiment of every Indian today. That is why today there is unity in our efforts and in our resolutions. Today there is consistency in our policies and farsightedness in our decisions", he said.
The Prime Minister said that PM Kisan Samman Nidhi is a big support for India’s farmers. If we include today’s transfer, more than 1.80 lakh crore rupees have been transferred directly to the accounts of the farmers, he noted.