New Delhi/Ghaziabad: Haryana Police on Wednesday recovered Rs 50 lakhs from a pit in Ghaziabad after the two arrested accused of fraud confessed to their crime and informed the police about the location of the hidden money. A police official said that the two arrested accused owned a company where they hired laborers for a task and they fled before paying wages to the laborers.
The laborers had lodged a complaint against the owners of the company, identified as Kirti and Vikas and the two were nabbed from Haryana's Rohtak. After around a week-long investigation and probe, the police were informed about their hideout.
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Rohtak Police ASI Rajesh Kumar said, "The accused had formed a contract company and the accused had to pay to the laborers a sum of one crore rupees. Both the accused have been taken on remand and they were taken to the place where they hid the money. The accused showed the police a place near an empty plot, where excavation was done and the police recovered 50 lakh rupees."