Mandi (Himachal Pradesh): Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, while addressing an election rally in Paidi village of Balh assembly constituency in Mandi district on Monday, used cricket words to criticise rivals, saying Congress is a 'wide ball' and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) a 'no ball'; and only BJP has a 'good length ball' delivery on the pitch of politics.
Rajnath Singh made the comment during his Himachal tour ahead of assembly elections. Taking a dig at the grand old party, Singh said that Congress is a ship whose fuel has run out. He quipped that whoever is made the pilot, he will not be able to run Congress even on the runway, forget about flying. Speaking of BJP, he said BJP delivers what it promises and assured that the Uniform Civil Code will be implemented in Himachal if the BJP government is formed in the state. He further added that he was not there to abuse any party, but to tell what the double-engine government (BJP) has done for the development of the state.
The union minister was all praise for Himachal Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, commending the work he has done in the past five years. He spoke about how there has not been a single instance of corruption against the CM. He then accused Congress of being involved in corruption, adding that during the Congress rule, India was lagging at the 9th or 10th position in terms of economic growth, but today under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi, the country is at the 5th position in the world.
Also read: None can stop BJP from implementing UCC in Himachal if BJP voted back to power: Amit Shah
Rajnath Singh further said that the day is not far when India's economy will be in the top three positions in the world. The Union Minister said that whatever the BJP had promised, it delivered; whether it was Article 370, counter terrorism, everything has been accomplished by the BJP. Today, our army personnel entered Pakistan and gave a befitting reply.
Earlier on November 3, in the election rally of Rajnath Singh in Jaisinghpur, Kangra, the demand for PoK was raised. Similarly, people present in the gathering here raised slogans about Kashmir and PoK to which Singh asked them to have patience.