Shimla: With the Congress surging ahead in Himachal Pradesh and currently leading in 38 out of the total 68 assembly constituencies as per latest trends on Thursday, trends so far obtained have displayed the grand old party ahead in most of the constituencies which witnessed electoral rallies by BJP heavyweights in Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister of neighbouring Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath.
While the Prime Minister held four big rallies this time in the hill state, Adityanath held meetings in several districts. The first phase of Modi's dual rallies took place in Solan and Sundernagar.
Although BJP's Rakesh Kumar Jamwal secured a victory in Sundernagar, results so far display Congress' Dhani Ram Shandil leading from Solan. Shahpur and Sujanpur, which saw the next two rallies by Modi, both have Congress candidates in an advantageous position at the moment.
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A similar trend can be noticed when it comes to constituencies frequented by UP CM Adityanath, who visited a total of 15 places over five days in the run-up to the elections. Despite the marathon run, BJP is currently ahead in only six out of the total 15 locations.
The seats in question are Darang, Balh and Nachan in Mandi district, Doon situated in Solan district, as well as Kullu's Anni and Banjar. Congress has the upper hand in nine other seats, including significant ones such as Kasauli and Palampur.