Hyderabad: The Bigg Boss OTT house had a busy day filled with drama, heated debates, and exciting competitions. The day opened with Pooja Bhatt mediating between Bebika Dharve and Jad Habib. She encourages Bebika to let go of her grudges against the Lebanese model-actor and move on. The two exchange hugs and handshakes.
Avinash confronts Jiya Shankar over pillow incident
Avinash brings up the last episode's topic concerning Jiya and Bebika, wherein Bebika tossed a cushion at Jiya. Following the incident, jiya had claimed that the couch was 'thrown at her face', but later declined saying that. Jiya claimed she did not speak these things, but rather, "the cushion was thrown on her." Falak concurs with Avinash and claims Jiya stated it was thrown at her 'face'. Avinash informs Jiya that her words were incorrect. The two have a disagreement. Falak inquires Pooja Bhatt, who confirms that Jiya used the words "cushions were thrown on her face."
Jad Hadid and Manisha Rani flirt over 'French kiss'
Jad Habib and Manisha Rani have a hilarious discussion on "French Kiss." As Manisha brings up the notion of launching her flirting academy and Jad offers himself as a French kissing coach, the atmosphere is filled with playful tease and flirtation. Manisha, on the other hand, jokes that each girl who wants to enrol must have her own partner or bring someone on rent, preventing Jad from being kissed by the girls in the institution.
Akanksha talks about her ex Paras Chhabra
Akanksha and Jad Habib have a heart-to-heart conversation. Akanksha opens up about her relationship with Paras Chhabra, without naming him, and tells Jad that he was an ex-contestant on the same show and used derogatory and rude language towards her on national television. According to Akanksha, she never received closure in the relationship. She also expressed apprehension about entering another relationship following the break-up.
Pooja Bhatt nominates Aaliya for elimination
The nomination process is announced by Bigg Boss, and the housemates vote against Aaliya and Jiya Shankar. As Manisha, Abhishek, and Jia discuss Falaq Naaz's captaincy and gameplan, gossip and backbiting take the central stage. They believe Falaq is playing it safe by being extremely pleasant to everyone, implying that her attitude is not genuine.