Meerut: Actor Archana Gautam, who rose to nationwide fame after her sting in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 16, was threatened to get killed by Congress National General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's PA Sandeep Singh. Following this, Archana's father, Gautam Budh has filed a case against Priyanka's PA at Partapur police station.
Archana's father has alleged that Sandeep "misbehaved" with his daughter who had gone to Raipur, Chhattisgarh on February 26, 2023, to attend the Congress General Convention as she was invited by Priyanka. According to Archana's father, when she sought time from PA Sandeep Singh to meet Priyanka he refused and hurled "casteist words" at her.
"He refused to introduce her to Priyanka Gandhi. Also used casteist words and indecent language while talking rudely to Archana. Apart from this, he also threatened to kill her," the father of Gautam alleged. According to reports, Archana Gautam herself gave this information in a Facebook Live.
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Meerut City's SP Piyush Singh said that a case has been registered on the complaint of Archana Gautam's father. "A First Information Report has been registered against Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's PA for allegedly threatening former Bigg Boss contestant & Congress leader Archana Gautam," the officer said. "Further probe is underway," SP Meerut said. Meerut police have started the investigation by registering a case against Sandeep Singh in Partapur police station under sections 504, 506 and SC, ST Act. (With agency inputs)