Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut, who was in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, on Sunday reacted to Salman Khan receiving death threats, saying that the country is in the safe hands of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah and therefore there is nothing to fear about security.
She said, "We are actors. Salman Khan has been provided with security by the Centre. He is getting protection from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, then there is nothing to fear." The actor added, "When I was threatened, I was also given security by the government, today the country is in safe hands. We have nothing to worry about."
Kangana's comments apparently refer to Salman's latest appearance on a TV show where he spoke about dealing with death threats. Khan has been provided with Y+ category security by the Mumbai Police amid the death threat. On Saturday, Salman shared his experience and how he is dealing with it and quipped: "Dubai is totally safe, India ke andar problem hai." The 57-year-old actor said, "Security is better than insecurity." He further added, "There is a serious threat that's why there is security."
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Khan has been provided with Y+ category security by the Mumbai police after assessing threat perceptions. The Maharashtra government assigned security escorts to the superstar after the actor received a threat letter from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.
On the work front, Kangana will mark her solo directorial debut with the upcoming film Emergency. She will also be seen in Tejas, Manikarnika Returns: The Legend of Didda, Chandramukhi 2, and The Incarnation: Sita. Talking about Salman, the superstar returned to the big screens with Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan which has garnered mixed responses. (With agency inputs)