Mumbai (Maharashtra): Makers of the upcoming action thriller film Vikram Vedha unveiled the title track Bande on Monday. Taking to Instagram, Tseries shared a post, which they captioned, "The electrifying theme of Vikram Vedha is here! #Bande song out now. #VikramVedha hitting cinemas worldwide on 30th September 2022."
Sung by Sivam and penned by Manoj Muntashir, the title track of Vikram Vedha showcases Vedha's (played by Hrithik) journey to become a gangster and Vikram's (played by Saif) personal and professional life. Helmed by Pushkar and Gayatri, the film also stars Rohit Saraf and Radhika Apte in prominent roles and is all set to hit the theatres on September 30, 2022.
Vikram Vedha is an official Hindi remake of a Tamil film with the same title, which starred R Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles. The story of Vikram Vedha is full of twists and turns, as a tough cop Vikram (Saif Ali Khan) sets out to track and chase a dreaded gangster Vedha (Hrithik Roshan).
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What unfolds is a cat-and-mouse chase, where Vedha - a master storyteller helps Vikram peel back layers through a series of stories leading to thought-provoking moral ambiguities.
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Meanwhile, apart from Vikram Vedha, Hrithik will be also seen in Siddharth Anand's upcoming action thriller film 'Fighter' alongside Deepika Padukone. Saif, on the other hand, will be next seen in an upcoming Pan India film Adipurush alongside south actor Prabhas, and Kriti Sanon.