Hyderabad: Reports concerning filmmaker Raja Menon's plans for a biographical film on former boxing champion Dingko Singh, an Asian Games gold medalist, emerged back in 2018. Raja, who recently directed the Ishaan Khatter starrer Pippa, was set to helm this project with Shahid Kapoor in the lead role, who would also be producing the film. However, the director has now disclosed that the movie has been put on hold.
In a recent interaction with a newswire, Raja Menon shared that the biopic on Dingko Singh will not be progressing. Elaborating on this matter, the director of Airlift and Chef revealed that it was a boxing-themed film that they had been discussing. There was a specific timeframe for it, and sometimes, one must move on. Nevertheless, this incident has not affected Raja's friendship with Shahid Kapoor. They continue to engage in conversations about scripts and remain optimistic about collaborating in the future. Raja said that Shahid is a dear friend of his.
The director also emphasized that he prefers not to rush into joining forces with Shahid Kapoor. The key is to find the right story and character that Shahid can flawlessly embody. He expressed that he and Shahid often brainstorm these ideas, but as Ishaan says, "If I were to find a subject, it has to do justice to so many things including the character Shahid needs to play," he said.
Raja stated that there are greater factors at play in terms of the kind of story they wish to convey and hopefully, they will come across a remarkable script. In conclusion, he affirmed that he values their friendship and has come to realize his genuine desire to create films with friends.
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