Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan, on Monday dropped a string of pictures from T-Series's Diwali party. Taking to Instagram, the 'Love Aaj Kal' actor dropped a collage picture on her story which she captioned, "Happy Diwali. Only pyaar for these 2 Patakhas."
In the picture, all three actors could be seen posing in their gorgeous traditional attires. Sara could be seen donning a peach-coloured lehenga with heavy embroidery. Janhvi, on the other hand, opted for a silver saree, whereas Ananya looked drop-dead gorgeous in a bright red saree. Apart from that, Sara also dropped some snaps with director Karan Johar, Varun Dhawan and her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan which she captioned, "Happy Diwali Love, light and prosperity to all."
On Sunday, the production house T-series hosted a grand Diwali party which was attended by a lot of Bollywood celebs like Shehnaaz Gill, Sidharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan and many more.
Meanwhile, talking about the work front, Sara will be next seen in director Laxman Utekar's next untitled romantic drama film alongside actor Vicky Kaushal. Apart from that she also has 'Gaslight' with Vikrant Massey and Chitrangada Singh, and Karan Johar's next 'Ae Watan Mere Watan' in which she will play a brave freedom fighter in a fictional tale set against the backdrop of the Quit India Movement in 1942.
An upcoming thriller drama is inspired by true events and has been written by Darab Farooqui and Kannan Iyer. Produced by Karan Johar, the film will premiere exclusively on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video. Sara will soon be dropping her first look from 'Ae Watan Mere Watan'. (ANI)