Mumbai: Makers of the upcoming action thriller series Saas Bahu aur Flamingo on Wednesday, unveiled its official teaser. Taking to Instagram, production house Maddock Films shared the teaser, which they captioned, "Chetaavani: Yeh kamajor dil vaalon ke liye nahin hai! Kripaya na dekhein. Kyun? Kyunki.... #HotstarSpecials #SaasBahuAurFlamingo. All episodes streaming from 5th May only on @disneyplushotstar." Helmed by Homi Adajania, the series stars Dimple Kapadia, Radhika Madan, Angira Dhar and Isha Talwar in lead roles.
The series is billed as a new spin on the 'saas-bahu' drama sub-genre that generally explores the power dynamics between tough, ruthless mothers-in-law and meeker daughters-in-law. 'Saas, Bahu Aur Flamingo' will instead feature "unapologetically hardcore" mother-in-law and "steadfast and formidable" younger women.
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Excited about the project, Dimple Kapadia earlier said, "Saas Bahu Aur Flamingo is a story of what makes ordinary people extraordinary in a world full of passion and chaos. It's a bunch of badass women telling a narrative which is often played only by male characters and believe me, it's got some of the most colourful characters you'll ever see. The show is as wild as my crazy Director, Homi Adajania's mind. He has flipped a family drama on its head giving us such a captivating binge-watch that'll be coming on Disney+ Hotstar.''
Homi, on the other hand, earlier said, "You remember the line 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'? When the world has scorned these women and turned its back on them, they learn to thrive by creating their own system of morality in the bold and lawless place that they inhabit. Women are the evolved half of our messed up species and Saas Bahu aur Flamingo is to date the maddest world that I have created. Its characters are so beautifully complex and conflicting, navigating their way through a world of passion, manipulation and chaos." The series will be streaming on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar from May 5, 2023. (ANI)