Hyderabad: Superstar Ram Charan's wife Upasana celebrated her first Varalakshmi puja after the birth of her little daughter Klin Kaara. On Friday, Upasana took to her social media handle and dropped an adorable picture of her taking part in the puja along with her daughter Klin Kaara nestled in her lap. Her two-months-old child's face was not visible as it was covered with a smiling facial emoji mask.
Sharing the picture on Instagram, Upasana wrote, "Couldn't have asked for more (attached a folded hand emoji). My first Varalakshmi Vratham with my Klin Kaara (attached a heart emoji)." She also included the hashtags blessed, thankful, and priceless in her caption. The picture shows Upasana sitting with her legs crossed while holding Klin Kaara on her lap and smiling for the camera. A priest could also be seen sitting on the right side in the photo, offering prayers next to the idol. For the special occasion, Upasana chose to wear a traditional red dress, whereas Klin was seen wearing white.
A couple of weeks ago, Upasana shared how Klin celebrated her first Independence Day. Her daughter was pictured in her grandmother Shobana Kamineni's arms in a few of the images she had posted. In the images, Klin could be seen holding the rope that pulled the flag above. Dressed in a printed yellow dress, Klin curled up her face in her grandmother's arms.
Ram Charan and Upasana dated for years before getting married in 2012. The couple made her pregnancy public in December 2022 and welcomed their daughter on June 20 of this year.