Hyderabad: Priyanka Chopra arrived in India on Friday morning to participate in the opening ceremony of the 2023 Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) Film Festival. She holds the position of Chairperson at MAMI. Priyanka made a dazzling appearance on the MAMI 2023 red carpet donning an ultra-glamorous outfit. PeeCee's look for MAMI opening night floored fans while her husband Nick Jonas was also left awestruck by the voguish look.
For the MAMI opening night on Friday, Priyanka chose a creation by Lebanese-Italian fashion designer Tony Ward. She looked exquisite in the white and gold twilight embroidered outfit with a halter neck. A pure white taffeta cape added edge to Priyanka's red carpet look. PeeCee tied her hair in an updo and went with glossy glam for the event.
Priyanka also shared photos from her photoshoot on her Instagram, captioning it with "Opening night (red heart and namaste emojis). Jio Mami Mumbai Film Festival @mumbaifilmfestival." The pictures showed her posing next to a black grand piano, and her husband Nick Jonas commented with "Damn (fire emojis)" on the post. This time, only their daughter Malti accompanied her to India, as Nick did not join her.
The Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival commenced on October 27 at the Jio World Centre in Mumbai's Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC). Many Bollywood celebrities, including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Rajkumar Rao, Sunny Leone, Sonam Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Vijay Varma, and director Karan Johar, graced the opening night with their presence.
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