Hyderabad: Saira Banu, on the occasion of her 57th wedding anniversary with Bollywood legend Dilip Kumar, shared a priceless video of their wedding day. The yesteryear diva reflected on their enduring love story, calling it a "real Cinderella story" and what was it like sharing life with a stalwart like Dilip Kumar.
Banu took to Instagram to share a video of their precious wedding day moments along with a lengthy note. She expressed her appreciation for the love and remembrances sent by well-wishers every year and decided to share her insights into Dilip Kumar's real persona.
She described what it was like being married to the legendary actor, saying, "People have often asked me...What was it like to be married to Dilip Kumar Sahib...the 'SHAHENSHAH,' and I always told them, It felt 'Like Sharing a Throne without having to slog for it! It's a real Cinderella Story! It isn't every day that a girl is lucky enough to be married to the man of her dreams."
Banu went on to paint a vivid picture of her life with Dilip Kumar, emphasising his immense personality and wide range of interests, from Urdu and Persian poetry to anthropology, international affairs, botany, and sports. She also hailed Dilip Kumar as an iconic guiding light for generations and wished for the almighty's grace to be with him forever. The post received an outpouring of love and support from fans and industry friends, with designer Manish Malhotra sharing heart emojis, and others expressing admiration for their enduring love.
Saira Banu and Dilip Kumar are celebrated as one of the most iconic couples in Bollywood, both on and off-screen. Their on-screen chemistry in films like Gopi and Bairaag, Sagina Mahato, and Duniya has left a lasting impact on their audience.
Their 55-year marriage has been viewed as an eternal love story, inspiring others to cherish precious moments with loved ones and celebrate the magic that comes when two souls unite in love and commitment. After marrying Dilip Kumar, he was the axis around which Saira's world revolved and the late actor seemingly remains so even after his passing in July 2021 at the age of 98.