Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan and fitness trainer Nupur Shikhare had a registered wedding in Mumbai on January 3, followed by a traditional ceremony in Udaipur that lasted for four days. The celebrations in Udaipur came to an end on Wednesday with a beautiful vows ceremony. Now, the pictures from the celebrations have surfaced on social media and went viral in no time. Among the images, one stands out, which shows Aamir Khan gently adjusting Ira's veil as they make their way down the aisle.
In the first picture of their lovely white wedding, Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare can be seen walking together while being showered with flowers by the guests. The bride is adorned in a breathtaking white gown, gracefully holding a bouquet of white flowers. Her hair is elegantly styled in a bun, accentuated with a floral headband. Nupur opts for a beige tuxedo, exuding sheer joy on their special day.
Another picture shows Nupur Shikhare walking down the aisle, accompanied by his mother Pritam Shikhare, while blowing a kiss to the guests. One of the photos displays Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta, proud parents of the bride, escorting Ira down the aisle. Reena Dutta chose a white lace saree, while the PK actor donned a timeless black tuxedo. Another snapshot captures Aamir Khan delicately adjusting his daughter's veil, while Reena Dutta looks at her daughter affectionately.
Other moments from the ceremony capture Ira's cousin Zayn Marie presiding over the wedding, creating a heartwarming atmosphere as Ira and Nupur share a candid and intimate moment. In another image, the newlyweds share an impassioned kiss, sealing their union as husband and wife. Lastly, a monochromatic picture showcases Ira dancing with her father, Aamir Khan, during the vows ceremony, symbolizing their bond.