Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan on Friday night stepped out looking dashing as ever. The Vikram Vedha star attended the special screening of Sony LIV's hit streaming series Rocket Boys 2. The series stars Hrithik's girlfriend Saba Azad in a pivotal role. The couple looked cool together at the screening but for netizens, the lady was oozing 'Kangana vibes.'
Dressed in a crisp black suit, Hrithik stole the limelight at the Rocket Boys 2 screening in Mumbai. He added a pair of red-tinted glasses to jazz up the look. The 49-year-old actor also obliged the paparazzi with pictures and his chemistry with Saba was quite evident as they posed together. Saba's look for the event, however, reminded netizens of Hrithik's alleged ex-flame-tuned-foe Kangana Ranaut.
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A video of Hrithik and Saba from the Rocket Boys 2 screening was shared by a paparazzo on Instagram. Surprisingly, the video of the couple has invited trolls for Saba as the netizens are comparing her with Kangana. "Kangana vibes aa rahi hai iss ladki se," wrote a user, while another said, "Sasti Kangana lag rahi hai." A user also said that Saba's "resemblance with Kangana Ranaut is uncanny." While a number of social media users are trolling Saba, a few also spoke in her support like this user who wrote, "I like her..she gives that retro vibes always…why people are always so mean to other people."
READ | Viral tweet claims Hrithik Roshan all set to marry girlfriend Saba Azad this year
On the film front for Hrithik, the actor is busy with Siddharth Anand's aerial actioner Fighter. The film also features Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor in pivotal roles. For the film, Hrithik underwent rigorous training for 12 weeks under renowned fitness trainer Kris Gethin. The makers are yet to wrap shooting for the film which is slated to hit big screens on January 25, 2024.