Hyderabad: Sunny Deol's latest release enjoyed an uncontested run at the box office for almost a month before Shah Rukh Khan's highly anticipated Jawan arrived in theaters on September 7. Though Gadar 2 hit the screens alongside Akshay Kumar's OMG 2 on August 11, the film headlined by Deol managed to sweep the box office and mint over Rs 500 crore in 24 days of its release. After crossing the milestone, Gadar 2 slowed down a bit at the box office and with Jawan's release the numbers are likely to decline by 65.7% at the domestic box office.
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According to early estimates by industry tracker Sacnilk, Gadar 2 will mint over Rs 1 crore nett in India on day 28, which is Rs 1.92 crore less than what the film had managed to put together on the previous day. With this, the total for Gadar 2 comes to Rs 510.09 crore at the end of its 28-day theatrical run. This is not the first time that Gadar 2 box office collections witnessed a major decline. The film declined by 67.95% immediately after it crossed the Rs 500 crore mark.
Helmed by Anil Sharma, the film opened at Rs 40.1 crore in India and the box office collection reached its peak on Independence Day with Rs 55.4 crore nett. Gadar 2 is pegged by trade pundits to cross Pathaan's lifetime collections of Rs 543.09 crore in India, for which, the film has to rake in Rs 33 crore more at the domestic box office.
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