Hyderabad: Filmmaker Raaj Shaandilyaa's Dream Girl 2 is all set to hit the theatres on Friday, August 25. The comedy-drama, starring Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday, is releasing when the Gadar 2 craze is still getting bigger, and OMG 2, which is also doing well on screens. As per a report, Dream Girl 2 is expected to start the weekend with decent numbers at the box office.
The movie's advance bookings point to a decent opening, similar to what the first installment of the franchise saw. The first film, which was released in 2019, opened in India at around Rs 10 crore nett, and Dream Girl 2 is anticipated to do the same. According to a report on sacnilk.com, the movie sold over 50k tickets worth Rs 1.55 crore for the first day.
The movie will have spot bookings which will eventually open in double digits. It will be too early to predict whether the movie will surpass Bala as Ayushmann's highest-grossing film. However, even if it surpasses Rs 50 crore nett, it will be able to end the actor's box office slump. In the past four years, the actor has not given any successful movies. Bala, his last hit, earned Rs 110.97 crore nett during the course of its theatrical run in 2019.
Also read: Ayushmann Khurrana's Dream Girl 2 advance booking crosses Rs 15 lakh in less than 24 hours
Dream Girl 2 is on the verge of facing stiff competition from both Gadar 2 and OMG 2. Both films are doing well at the box office and are consistently breaking records. However, the positive thing is that Ayushmann is back to his genre of social comedy with Dream Girl 2, which may serve as another element in drawing audiences to theatres.