Hyderabad: In a shocking piece of news coming from the Malayalam television and film industry, actor Aparna Nair was found dead at her residence in Thiruvananthapuram. The 33-year-old actor was found dead at 7 pm on Thursday.
According to reports, Aparna was found dead at her residence while her mother and sister, both were present in the house. Meanwhile, the Karamana police have registered a case of unnatural death. An investigation is underway into Aparna Nair's death case while police have recorded statements from the relatives and family. Investigations revealed that owing to some domestic issues, the actor was in a disturbed mental state for the past few days.
The 33-year-old actress was found hanging at her house on Thursday late evening. Her husband shared the news. As per sources, the last call Aparna made was to her mother during which expressed her deep sadness.
The body was taken to the Medical College hospital for autopsy on Friday. Nair is survived by her husband Sanjit and two daughters- Thraya and Kritika.
Nair had acted in a few films and in TV serials. She made her film debut in 2005 with Mayookham. Following this she acted in many films and television shows. Nair was seen in films like Run Baby Run, Seconds, Achayans, Meghatirtham, Muddugau, Kart Samaksham Balan Vakil, Kalki, and serials like Chandanamazha and Atmasakhi. (With agency inputs)
(Suicide is not a solution. If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about a friend or need emotional support, someone is always there to listen. Call Sneha Foundation - 04424640050 (available 24x7) or iCall, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences' helpline - 9152987821, which is available Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm.)