Hyderabad: The 83-year-old Godfather star and his 29-year-old girlfriend Noor are expecting their first child together. The news was verified by Al's representative to a media portal on Wednesday. The couple was first seen together in public in April 2022, but reports claim they began dating during the pandemic.
However, the newest buzz is that Al Pacino and Noor Alfallah are no longer together. According to insiders, the veteran actor also ordered that a paternity test be performed on the baby. According to media reports, Noor was introduced to Al during the pandemic and became friends with the actor's 22-year-old daughter Olivia.
Noor became close friends with Olivia and tagged along anywhere the actor's daughter went, which brought them together. According to a source, Al Pacino believed his and Noor's romance was 'over' a long time ago. Furthermore, Noor allegedly did not reveal her pregnancy to him until she was 11 weeks along.
"She knew Al didn't want more kids, they have no relationship, it's a mess," an insider added. "Lawyers have been working on this for several months," the source claimed. Al Pacino was reportedly so astonished to learn of his former girlfriend's pregnancy that he requested a paternity test on the child.
Furthermore, the source added that Fallah had informed Pacino that she was unable to have children owing to a thyroid problem. According to reports, Al Pacino's children are "very upset" with the news. For the unversed, Noor was previously linked to Mick Jagger, 79, of the Rolling Stones, for a year from 2017 to 2018. After her engagement with Mick ended, she was linked to a wealthy investor named Nicolas Berggruen, aged 61.
Also read: Al Pacino expecting 4th child at 83 with 29-yr-old girlfriend Noor Alfallah