Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): Energy Minister Pradyuman Singh Tomar has hogged the limelight once again for his unique working style. The minister who arrived at the Motijheel power station on Friday carried out a sudden inspection of the facility. The Minister had been receiving complaints regarding incidents of power cuts happening in the city on a daily basis, and hence he decided to inquire about the matter himself. During his visit, he noticed plants growing too close to a transformer and a bird's nest atop the structure. Immediately, he got a ladder arranged and in front of the staff climbed atop the transformer and cleaned it. Reacting to the issue, officers at the power station attributed the incidents of tripping to increasing load.
Tomar expressed his displeasure with the officers regarding the matter, saying that if proper maintenance is not being carried out at the headquarters itself, the situation in other areas of the city might be worse. He added that a surprise inspection would be held at any time anywhere in the state and that action will be ensured against those officers who are found guilty. Singh also said that an administrative surgery would be done if needed. The Energy Minister said that he has issued instructions to three power companies, as well as the Principal Secretary and Managing Director-General, to ensure that issues are resolved at the earliest and that proper maintenance work is carried out.
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Last year in July, the BJP MLA from Gwalior had cleaned the toilets of the commissioner office during a visit following a complaint by a woman staffer about filthy washrooms. The Minister had instructed local body officials to provide him with cleaning material after which he, along with civic staff cleaned the toilets.