New Delhi: Delhi police authorities have launched an investigation against its personnel after their selfie with murder accused Sushil Kumar went viral on social media. As per reports, the pics were taken while Sushil was being shifted from the Mandoli Jail to Tihar Jail. Senior officers said that action will be taken against the personnel based on the investigation report. If sources are to be believed, they can even be suspended.
Two-time Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar was arrested by the police on May 23 in connection with the murder of a young wrestler, and had been lodged in Mandoli jail since June 2. It is believed that the selfie was taken on Friday when Sushil was being shifted from Mandoli Jail to Tihar Jail.
Read: Sagar Dhankar murder row: Wrestler Sushil's judicial custody extends for next 14 days
A Delhi court on Friday had extended the judicial custody of Olympic medallist wrestler Sushil Kumar and his associate Ajay Kumar Sehrawat for 14 days in connection with the alleged brawl at Chhatrasal Stadium in which a young wrestler died. The international wrestler is facing charges of murder, culpable homicide and kidnapping. He, along with his associates, had allegedly assaulted Sagar Dhankar and two of his friends at the stadium on the intervening night of May 4 and 5 over an alleged property dispute. Dhankar, 23, succumbed to the injuries later.