In an exclusive interview of ETV Bharat, Gohil asserted that people, now, were passionate about Congress and are confident that the party would live up to the promises made to the people of the country.
Recalling the Congress party's victory in three states, Gohil said that their party President Rahul Gandhi has now got his sister's support, which would soon translate into a landslide victory in the upcoming general elections.
"The recent victories, under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi, is a proof of how people have aligned with the Congress. Modi government projected themselves as a different entity, someone who fulfills the dreams of the people, but the latter are now feeling cheated as the intention of the government is now exposed. It will surely reflect in the coming days," he remarked.
Gohil further asserted that Rahul Gandhi was the candidate projected by the public and he understands the pain of the people, whereas, Modi government runs on his ego, neglecting the welfare of the people.
Responding to the 13th Congressional statement of Vinay Katiyar, Founder President of Bajrang Dal, Gohil said that people would make a grand comeback in Uttar Pradesh, with