New Delhi: In a first of its kind initiative, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla met women parliamentarians and women journalists, on the occasion of International Women's Day, in Parliament House Complex on Monday.
The event was also attended by Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Nirmala Sitharaman and Union Minister of Women and Child Development and Textiles Smriti Zubin Irani. On this occasion, Shri Birla greeted them and lauded their contributions to society.
Speaking about women journalists, Birla said that journalism is a challenging and tough task and women are becoming successful in this challenge because of their competence and courage on the one hand and empathy and compassion towards public cause on the other hand. Women, through their reporting, highlight the problems of deprived sections of society and of the last man at the periphery, thereby, bring them to the attention of the government in the direction of a solution.
Acknowledging that women have held the highest positions in the socio-political and economic fields with distinction and have made outstanding contributions towards the development of society, the Speaker said that women have led from the forefront while holding important positions like President, Prime Minister, Lok Sabha Speaker etc.
Birla also said that apart from holding positions of power and contributing towards positive societal change, women are also playing the role of catalysts in the field of social welfare.
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He added that women have the ability, patience, self-confidence, will power and equity and with these qualities, they are serving the nation from panchayat to Parliament.
Remembering the contributions of women freedom fighters and their role in the post-Independence nation-building, the Lok Sabha Speaker said that development and progress of the country could be possible because of the participation of women in each and every stage of nation-building.
Birla noted that the present Lok Sabha (17th Lok Sabha) has the highest number of women parliamentarians.
He also appreciated the performance of women parliamentarians in the House and the intensity and substance of their debates.
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When the Lok Sabha assembled, Birla greeted the Members of Parliament on International Women’s Day.
Speaking in the House, the Speaker said that today is the day to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women towards the nation and society.
Later, He also interacted with women employees of the Lok Sabha Secretariat and commended them for their contribution towards the smooth working of the House.
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