Nandurbar (Maharashtra): A woman was stripped and tortured on suspicion of practising black magic in Maharashtra. The incident is believed to have happened in the Satpura mountain range close to the Nandurbar district. A video of the incident had gone viral locally triggering sharp reactions from the several quarters.
Vinayak Sawale, general secretary of Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti (Anti-Superstition Committee), has submitted a statement to the district collector in this regard and demanded an inquiry. Police are also investigating the exact place of the incident and the identity of the victim. Nandurbar police have decided to file a case at Dhadgaon police station.
On Saturday, the Anti-Superstition Committee had also submitted a statement to the Superintendent of Police demanding action. Recognizing the seriousness of the incident, the police have decided to file a case against anonymous persons seen torturing the woman in the video.
Also read: Kerala: Black magic claims life of 11-year-old girl; Father, Imam arrested