Mirzapur (UP): In an unfortunate incident, a woman along with her child jumped in front of a train at Mirzapur's Vindhyachal railway station on Saturday at around 1:30 am. The train's pilot immediately applied the breaks and later GRP personnel rescued the duo stuck under the train after four bogies of Triveni Express passed over them. The duo sustained severe injuries and due to the non-availability of an ambulance, the locals carried the injured duo to Vindhyachal Community Health Center.
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GRP in-charge Rajendra Prasad Yadav said, "The woman has been identified as Seema Singh Patel, a resident of Bidipur village, Gambhirpur Azamgarh police station area. Her family members claimed that she along with her child left home on Thursday late in the night and the family lodged a missing complaint with the Gambhirpur police station," he added.
Meanwhile, the netizens and the locals lauded the efforts of GRP in-charge Rajendra Prasad Yadav and his team.