Jammu: Jammu and Kashmir DGP, Dilbag Singh on Saturday said the police will make the annual Amarnath Yatra-2022 a success. This year's Amarnath Yatra will commence on June 30 and will run for 43 days.
DGP Singh was talking to the media at the convocation parade at Border Security Force Assistant Training Center, Udhampur. The DGP said that the Jammu and Kashmir Police will make the Amarnath Yatra a success in any case. On the occasion, Singh also said that Pakistan was now using social media to promote terrorism in the valley.
Over the recovery of nearly Rs 7 lakh hawala money in Jammu on Friday, DGP said that the money was “definitely to be used for terrorism”. The hawala money was recovered from a man from south Kashmir's Anantnag district with police saying he was given the money by ex-minister Babu Singh, who is absconding.
Also read: After two years of Covid hiatus, 43-day long Amarnath Yatra to begin June 30